Kanpur, 06 August (HS). Trees are the main components of the environment and it is impossible to imagine life without them. Vedas and Puranas are witnesses that our culture has been Aranyak culture. Our ancient Gurukuls used to be in the dense forests, away from the reach of common people, where students eager to acquire knowledge used to acquire knowledge in Shrut tradition from wise sages. Mahatma Buddha attained knowledge under the Ashwattha tree. Today science has proved that any subject can be memorized more quickly by studying under trees in a peaceful environment. These things were said by Prof. Seema Paroha, Director of National Sugar Institute on Tuesday.
Under the leadership of Director of National Sugar Institute, Prof. Seema Paroha, more than 1000 saplings of various species like mango, neem, peepal, amla, jackfruit, pakkad etc. were planted in the institute campus on Tuesday. Director of the institute, Prof. Seema Paroha said that the glory of trees is infinite. Trees are our companions from birth to death. Therefore, it is the sacred duty of all of us to protect and promote trees. Vice Chancellor of Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Prof. Vinay Pathak said that even today in a crowded city like Kanpur, the places which have preserved trees include National Sugar Institute, Indian Institute of Technology, Allen Forest, Zoo, University, H.B.T.I. etc. The names can be taken prominently. The way forest land is being reduced today for farming and construction of houses, its ill effects have started coming. Nature, which nurtures like a mother, does not refuse directly, but when it punishes, there is immense loss of life and wealth. Whether it is the tragedy of Kedarnath or Wayanad, mankind does not even get a chance to recover. It is in the interest of all of us that we plant as many trees as possible.
Divisional Forest Officer Divya said that whenever I get an opportunity to visit NSI or IIT, I feel as if I have come to some other state. The climate and temperature here automatically makes me feel like I am in some other place even when my eyes are closed. I remember the beauty of some forest state when I see the greenery of the National Sugar Institute campus.
During this, former director of the institute Prof. D. Swain, Food and Public Distribution Department of New Delhi's Manmohan Sachdeva, Prasenjit Deb, PK Mishra, Akhilesh Kumar Pandey etc. were present.