Sunday , December 22 2024

Preventing Heart Attack: What should you do to avoid heart attack..!

The number of deaths due to heart attack at a young age is continuously increasing in India. The death of youth due to heart attack is very worrying. There are many reasons for this, including high cholesterol. High cholesterol can cause life-threatening problems like heart disease, heart attack and stroke. There are two types of cholesterol, good cholesterol called HDL and bad cholesterol called LDL. Bad cholesterol is a risk factor for heart. Good cholesterol improves heart health.

To avoid heart attack, it is very important to control the increasing cholesterol in the body. , By including certain food items regularly, the bad cholesterol deposited in the heart veins can be completely removed. It can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is necessary to overcome the enemies who weaken the heart. Here's how to keep your heart healthy, what are the symptoms of a heart attack and which superfoods for your heart can help improve heart health.

Regular heart rate is essential to keep the body healthy. A healthy heart pumps 7600 liters of blood every day. The heart weighs about 150 grams and supplies blood to the entire body. Therefore it is very important to keep the heart healthy.

symptoms of heart attack

1. Chest pain

2. Shoulder pain

3. Sudden sweating

4. Fast heartbeat

5. Fatigue and stress

6. Respiratory problems

how to keep your heart healthy

1. Keep blood pressure under control

2. Keep cholesterol under control

3. Keep sugar level under control

4. Keep your body weight under control

Foods that keep your heart healthy

Luffa is one of those vegetables that reduces cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. Ginger is also rich in antioxidants that help prevent bad cholesterol (LDL) from building up in the arteries. Fenugreek is rich in fiber, potassium, iron, zinc and other nutrients that help in burning fat. Garlic contains sulfur, which helps thin the blood and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

Other Super Foods for Heart


A medicine that helps keep the heart strong

1 teaspoon Arjuna bark
2 grams cinnamon
5 leaves basil
Boil them and make a decoction and drink it daily for heart health.