Prashant Kishor’s health deteriorated: Jan Suraj Party chief and pre-election strategist Prashant Kishore is on fast in Patna, Bihar since 5 pm on January 2. Meanwhile, his health deteriorated late on Monday (January 6) night. Then on Tuesday (January 7) morning the medical team reached his house. After investigation he was advised to be admitted. Now he has been admitted to the hospital.
‘My fast unto death will continue’
According to reports, Jan Suraj Party chief Prashant Kishore is facing the problem of weakness and dehydration. A complete health checkup will be done in the hospital. Before going to the hospital, he said, ‘Although I am unwell, my fast unto death will continue.’
Prashant Kishor was detained by the police on Monday
Prashant Kishor, who was on hunger strike demanding cancellation of the 70th preliminary examination of Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC), was forcibly picked up from the protest site by the Patna Police at 4 am on Monday (January 6) and taken into custody. , However, he was later granted bail by a local court.
After being released from police custody, Prashant Kishore announced that his fast will continue. He talked about announcing a new protest site on Tuesday. However, now his health has declined.
Let us tell you that Suraj Party chief Prashant Kishore was on a fast unto death demanding cancellation of the 70th preliminary examination of BPSC.