Posters carrying Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s photo and warning against illegal Bangladeshis and Rohingyas were seen in Andheri and Jogeshwari areas of Mumbai. It is written in big letters in the poster, if the infiltrators are Bangladeshi, if the Rohingya are here, our colony, our city, our district, our state, our country, our school-college, our shops, business, trade, job, house. , land. And empty.
This poster has been put up by a BJP worker named Vishwabandhu Rai in Andheri and Jogeshwari areas of Mumbai. During the Maharashtra Assembly elections, Vishwabandhu Rai had put up many posters of Yogi Adityanath’s Batenge to Katenge slogan. In Maharashtra, under Devendra Fadnavis government, police and central agencies are cracking down on illegal Bangladeshis and Rohingyas. Meanwhile, such a poster with the picture of Yogi Adityanath was seen in Mumbai.
Publish toll free number against Bangladeshis
Mumbai BJP Secretary has written a letter to the Mumbai Police Commissioner asking the Mumbai Police to issue a toll free number against Bangladeshis. On which common citizens can give information about Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims living illegally. So that the police can take timely action. These foreign nationals are misusing the food, electricity, water and all facilities of Indians and increasing the crime rate in the society.
Fake documents are being made
Investigation is going on by separate SITs in two cities here. Its scope includes many government officials, leaders, politicians and syndicates preparing fake documents. He said that birth certificates and other documents of Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims are being prepared to increase the vote bank. As soon as the birth certificate is made, Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Domicile Certificate and Driving License are easily made.
After this voting cards and bank accounts were opened. Not only this, the SIT investigation also revealed that many of these Bangladeshi citizens had made fake Indian passports. The big thing is that the passports of people whose residence certificates were fake in Malegaon, Nashik, were made from Surat Passport Office in Gujarat.