Before the Delhi Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a big gift of Rs 4500 crore to the capital. He inaugurated and inaugurated several projects like 1675 flats for the poor, two new campuses of Delhi University (DU), and Savarkar College. On this occasion, PM Modi made a scathing attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal without taking his name. He said that he too could have built ‘Sheeshmahal’ for himself, but his dream is to provide permanent houses to the poor.
PM’s taunt on ‘Sheeshmahal’
In a public meeting organized at Ramlila Maidan in Ashok Vihar, Prime Minister Modi took on Arvind Kejriwal’s government.
- PM said:
“The country knows that Modi never built a house for himself. But in the last 10 years, the dream of more than 4 crore poor people has been fulfilled. I too could have built a glass palace. But for me, my countrymen should get permanent houses, this is my dream.” - BJP calls Kejriwal’s bungalow ‘Sheeshmahal’, which has become a topic of discussion.
Promise of permanent houses for slum dwellers
Prime Minister Modi said that his government is committed to providing permanent houses to the slum dwellers of Delhi.
- PM’s promise:
“Every slum dweller in Delhi will get a permanent house. My promise to those who live in slums is that if not today then tomorrow permanent houses will be built for them.” - PM Modi also asked BJP workers to assure slum dwellers that BJP is committed to changing their lives.
PM Modi’s big attack on AAP
Prime Minister Modi termed the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) as a ‘disaster’ and accused the Delhi government of scams.
- PM said:
“By keeping Anna Hazare ji in front, some staunchly dishonest people have pushed Delhi into disaster. Now voices are being raised from every corner of Delhi – Delhi has to be freed from AAP-Da.” - He also said:
“Every citizen of Delhi, every street, every child is saying, you will not tolerate this, now we will bring about change.”
Trust in BJP and promise against AAP
Prime Minister Modi also said that where there is no interference of AAP, good work is being done there.
- He promised:
“Those who betrayed the people of Delhi and got Sheesh Mahal built, when this AAP goes away and BJP comes, all the problems will be solved.”