Lucknow, 31 July (HS). In Lokbandhu Raj Narayan Joint Hospital located in Ashiana area of Lucknow, NIC server went down from 8 am on Wednesday morning and there was a problem in getting the slips related to the tests. Due to this, the relatives of the patients got upset and wandered from the lower floor to the upper floor.
Amit, a relative of a patient who had come to Lokbandhu Hospital for blood test, said that he had come to the hospital in the morning for the test. After getting the slip made and the test written, when he went to the counter to get it administered, he was informed that the server was down due to which the barcode would not be available.
He said that without the barcode the blood sample could not be taken, after facing trouble for about an hour he is going back. Despite talking to the leading doctors of the hospital, no solution could be found.
Troubled due to server down, Transport Nagar resident Naveen said that the server often goes down in Lokbandhu Hospital and in such a situation, the patients and their relatives get troubled. Patients have to suffer for several hours.
Responsible doctors of Lokbandhu Joint Hospital say that when the server is down, the hospital makes arrangements for offline service but this is done only when the server is down for a long time.