Thursday , December 26 2024

Parents, do not make this mistake with your children, do not forget the betrayal done to them | News India

Parenting Tips 1727520723

Parents try their best to ensure that our children do not suffer as much as we do and do not face a single difficulty in life. They try to give them the best as much as they can, also they do not tolerate it if the children have any difficulties, they are brought up in such a way that they should not have any difficulties when it comes to the children. So they become overprotective.

Do you take that much care of your children? We understand your concern, but for the sake of your children, don't worry too much about them, you will fail as a parent!

Life will be too hard if you care too much

We may think that by sending them to schools with expensive fees, we are securing their lives and bringing them up well. They may even be successful in getting a good job in future by scoring good marks, but it does not mean that we have made their life very secure… their life may become difficult due to our excessive worry.

Be prepared to support your children as they raise them

You can see some people who do not wash their plates, do not keep their things clean, do not even fold the clothes they wear, everything has to be done by their parents, sometimes the parents did this It happens, so they don't do it. They don't know how to do their work, they depend on their parents for everything. If they face even a small problem in their future life, it seems like a mountain to them and they worry a lot.

Unable to take responsibility of family

Studying is different from family responsibility, as children grow up they should also be aware of the difficulties at home, they should be allowed to do some work, they should be given responsibilities as per their age. They should be aware of your hard work, should know the value of hard work, should be aware of domestic responsibilities.

Whether male or female, teach them to do their own work

They should be taught to live without anyone's help, keep their belongings clean, fold their own clothes, and cook small meals to feed children above 15 years of age. Many people might think that if there is a job then people will be found to do the household work and cook, why? We have to learn it. The Corona epidemic has given such questions. While living in isolation, he had to struggle a lot due to not knowing how to cook. If we start doing our work ourselves, our dependence on others will reduce and we will gain the courage to live without anyone's help.

face challenges

When there is something difficult for them, do not handle it yourself, for example, when a son or daughter gets a job after studies and leaves, he may have to face many challenges. Sometimes, even if you find a job, you may leave the job if it is not suitable, you should not say why it is difficult to come and leave, let them try to find another job. Similarly, we have created wealth for our children so don't tell them why they don't have to go to work. If you feel that he should not go to work somewhere else, then you should give him the responsibility of maintenance and development of the property you have created, otherwise if you spend and live comfortably, his life will reach a bad state.