Ghee Side Effects: Mixing some things increases its nutritional value. Besides, there are some combinations which become problematic for the body. For example, consuming some things with ghee is harmful for the body. There are some food items in which ghee is added to provide more nutrition to the body, but there are some food items in which ghee is added to the food and it proves to be harmful. Let us today tell you about those things which should not be eaten with ghee at all.
tea or coffee
Adding ghee to tea or coffee makes it harmful for health. The caffeine in tea or coffee is processed with ghee. Due to which imbalance occurs in the body. Caffeine has a stimulating effect while ghee calms the body. If these two things enter the body together, it can cause digestive problems.
ghee and honey
In Ayurveda, the mixture of ghee and honey is considered poison. It is believed that this combination is toxic to the body. Consuming ghee and honey together produces a poisonous substance. Due to which health can deteriorate.
ghee and curd
Do not consume curd with ghee at all. This combination increases digestive problems. The fatty acids present in ghee react with the lactic acid present in curd, causing an imbalance of the good bacteria in the intestine and causing problems for the body.
hot water and ghee
Drinking ghee with hot water is good for health but in some cases if ghee is mixed with hot water then it is harmful. If ghee mixed with hot water is consumed then free radicals start forming which can increase inflammation.
Radish and ghee
Radish and ghee are also opposite. Eating these two things together causes imbalance in the digestive system. This combination can cause discomfort, gas, and bloating. Ghee and radish reduce the nutritional benefits.