Amidst the preparations for Mahakumbh 2025 in Prayagraj, former Indian cricket team player Mohammad Kaif refreshed his old memories while swimming in Sangam. This video of his has gone viral on social media. Kaif’s son is also seen with him in the video. Akhara Parishad President Swami Ravindra Puri responded positively to this initiative of Kaif and described it as a great example of communal harmony.
Swami Ravindra Puri gave statement: “Every non-Hindu should follow it”
1. Told Mohammad Kaif as the pride of India
Swami Ravindra Puri said:
“Mohammad Kaif is not a non-Hindu. He is a great player of India and our pride.”
He described bathing and swimming in Mohammad Kaif’s Sangam as a step to promote brotherhood.
2. All religions connected with Mahakumbh
he adds:
“All the non-Hindus, they should come to Prayagraj like Mohammad Kaif, take bath in Sangam and maintain brotherhood. We do not have any Hindu-Muslim dispute. We are all one. People of all religions—Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians—should come to Prayagraj and make it a symbol of unity.”
Mohammad Kaif reliving old memories in Sangam
1. Deep connection with Prayagraj
Mohammad Kaif is originally from Prayagraj. Amidst the preparations for Mahakumbh, he returned to his hometown and reached the ghats of Sangam, where he spent his childhood.
2. Sangam tour with son
- His son expressed his desire for a boat ride, after which Kaif took him to Sangam.
- During this, he told his son about the importance of the confluence of Ganga-Yamuna, Mahakumbh and bathing festivals.
- Kaif also shared that she learned swimming in the Yamuna river as a child.
Dip in Sangam and reaction on social media
1. Video of jumping into the river goes viral
Mohammad Kaif took a dip in the Sangam and shared his video on social media platform X (formerly Twitter).
Along with the video he wrote the caption:
“Hey, I have learned swimming in this Yamuna ji.”
2. Fans appreciated
- This video quickly went viral on social media and Kaif’s fans praised his simplicity and this cultural initiative.
- Many people described it as a symbol of Indian culture and unity between different religions.
Welcome message from Swami Ravindra Puri
1. Appeal to non-Hindus to take inspiration
Swami Ravindra Puri said:
“What Mohammad Kaif did is amazing. Every non-Hindu should follow it and encourage cultural unity through bathing in Sangam.”
2. Hope of brotherhood in Mahakumbh
He called upon all Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians to participate during Mahakumbh and make it a festival of unity.
Mohammad Kaif’s inspirational initiative
1. Refreshed childhood memories
While swimming at the Sangam Ghats, Kaif not only refreshed his old memories but also introduced his son to the Indian culture and the importance of Prayagraj.
2. Message of communal unity
His initiative gave the message that religion and cultural activities together can unite the society.