Madhya Pradesh: On the beginning of the new year i.e. on January 5, the names of three panchayats in MP were changed. Now on January 12, once again Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has announced the change of names of 11 villages. This time this announcement was made while addressing the public in Kalapipal of Shajapur district.
Names of villages in Shajapur district changed
CM said that ‘Nipaniya Hisamuddin’ will be renamed as ‘Nipaniya Dev’, ‘Dhabla Hussainpur’ will be renamed as ‘Dhabla Ram’, ‘Mohammadpur Pavadia’ will be renamed as ‘Rampur Pavadia’, ‘Khajuri Allahdad’ Will be known. As ‘Khajuri Ram’.
Apart from this, ‘Hajipur’ to ‘Hirapur’, ‘Mohammadpur Machnai’ to ‘Mohanpur’, ‘Richhari’ to Moradabad to ‘Richhari’, ‘Khalilpur’ (Gram Panchayat Silunda) to ‘Rampur’, ‘Enchhod’ to ‘Unchavad’, ‘Ghetti’ Mukhtyarpur will be called ‘Ghetti’ and ‘Shekhpur Bongi’ will be called ‘Awadhpuri’.
CM said- MLAs are saying that something is wrong
CM Mohan Yadav said, ‘The MLA said that some names are getting stuck and getting irritated. I am not doing anything wrong. Because there is no Mohammed in Mohammadpur Machnai, so why such a name? If there are any Muslim brothers there then keep the same name, if there are not then the name is changed to Mohanpur as per the instructions of the MLA.
Similarly, while changing the names of Dhabla Hussainpur and Mohammadpur Pawaria, the Chief Minister said, ‘You had said that when there is no Hussain in Dhabla Hussainpur, then why should it be called Hussainpur!, hence from today it will be known as ‘Dhabla Ram’. . Also, ‘Mohammadpur Pavriya’ will be known as ‘Rampur Pavriya’.