Friday , December 27 2024

Luck of 3 zodiac signs will shine on 28th December, there is going to be a conjunction of Venus and Saturn.

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Venus Saturn Conjunction 2024: According to astrologers, planets have good and bad effects on every person according to his zodiac sign and horoscope, hence whenever a planet changes its zodiac sign or constellation, it affects 12 zodiac signs.

On November 15, 2024, Saturn will move direct in its own zodiac sign Aquarius, while Venus will enter Aquarius on December 28. Saturn is already in conjunction with Venus in Aquarius.

When will Venus transit in December?
There will be a change in the zodiac sign of Venus on 28th December 2024 at 11:48 pm, during which Venus will enter Aquarius, Venus and Saturn will be present together in Aquarius, due to which 3 zodiac signs will benefit from this rare combination. Let us know which are the lucky zodiac signs?

Many of your tasks will be completed as soon as Venus enters Aquarius. Your relationship with your partner will be good. People working may get some good news. You can plan to travel somewhere with your children. Your coming day will be full of new hope and success. New doors of progress will open in business. There is a possibility of financial gain.

Whatever you decide to do with full confidence, you will definitely be successful in it. Your interest in social activities will increase. Financial situation will be better, differences will be resolved and love with family members will increase.

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn will be extremely beneficial for the people of Aquarius zodiac sign. You will be ready to take your step towards progress. Health will be better than before. Love life will also be good. You can plan to go out with your partner. S