What all do girls not do to maintain the natural glow on their face? They do not hesitate to try all kinds of expensive creams, lotions and home remedies. But what would you think if one of these beauty recipes mentions drinking animal urine?
You might be shocked to hear this but it is true that this girl drinks American dog's urine daily for beauty.If you want to know the secret of beautiful skin, then learn from this woman named Leanne. She believes that to maintain the glow of the skin, she has been consuming dog urine daily for a long time, which helps her get rid of acne and also gives a natural glow to her skin.
For this, this woman named Lin Liu takes her dog to the park and then pours its urine into a glass and drinks it without any hesitation.
Lynn believes that dog urine is rich in vitamin A and vitamin E and 10 grams of calcium, which helps in improving skin and treating diseases like cancer. Whatever the case may be, anyone would want to try this remedy to enhance their beauty, hearing this can make anyone feel nauseous.