Monday , January 13 2025

Lemon plant not bearing fruit? After this trick of just Rs 5, you will be able to distribute fruits among your neighbors.


When a lemon plant bears yellow fruits, its experience cannot be expressed in words. Lemon is known for its taste as well as medicinal properties. This is the reason why nowadays people have started planting lemon plants on the rooftops and balconies of their homes.

Planting a lemon tree is easy, but taking care of it is very difficult and waiting for its fruits is even more difficult.

Is your lemon plant growing only leaves and no fruits? In such a situation, you do not need to worry too much, because today we are going to tell you a trick with the help of which your lemon plant will be laden with fruits. And the amazing thing is that you do not need to spend much to adopt this trick. Yes, by spending just Rs 5 you can make your lemon plant fruitful.

With the help of this trick of Rs 5, you can get a lot of fruits on the lemon plant.

Plants do not produce fruits due to lack of adequate nutrition. In such a situation, if you want your lemon plant to bear fruits in abundance, then mustard cake can prove beneficial for you. Mustard cake is a natural fertilizer and is easily available to gardeners. Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are found in abundance in it. All these elements can be helpful in plant growth and fruit bearing. But, you should know how and when to use mustard.

How to use Mustard Cake?

Mustard cake should be soaked in water for 5 days before adding it to the lemon plant. Now the mustard cake soaked for 5 days has to be added to the plant. For this, first of all dig the soil of the plant lightly and put mustard cake in it.

Using mustard cake once a month can also be beneficial. If you want, you can also use mustard cake by mixing it with vermicompost or cow dung manure.

Benefits of Mustard Cake

There are many types of fertilizers available in the market. But using mustard cake in lemon plants has many benefits. With the help of mustard cake, not only the production of fruits in lemon plants increases, but also there is no attack by insects and the plants remain healthy. By applying mustard cake to the roots, there is no problem of curling of leaves and fungus of the plants.

These tips will also help in making the lemon plant fruitful

neem oil: If your plant is frequently infested by pests or insects, neem oil can also help you keep them away. For this, first of all mix neem oil in water and put it in a spray bottle. Now spray the mixture of water and neem oil on the roots and branches of the lemon plant with the help of a spray bottle. This can help in dealing with the problem of pests and germs.

Milk: Due to insects, plants are unable to grow and due to lack of proper development, plants do not bear fruits. In such a situation, milk can help you in dealing with the problem of insects and pests. For this, take a spray bottle and add raw milk in it. Now spray raw milk on the leaves of the lemon plant with the help of a spray bottle, this can help in dealing with the problem of insects.

You must have understood how a lemon plant can be made fruitful. If you have any question related to our story, let us know in the comment box below the article. We will keep trying to give you correct information.