The characters of Ramanand Sagar’s historical and iconic show Ramayana still retain their place in the hearts of the audience. The show’s lead characters—Arun Govil as Ram, Deepika Chikhalia as Sita, and Sunil Lahiri as Lakshman—are a constant influence on social media. Recently, Sunil Lahiri, who plays the character of Laxman, shared a video on his Instagram which shocked the fans. In this video, Sunil showed the modern and glamorous avatar of Anjali who played the character of Urmila in Ramayana.
Laxman presented the modern Urmila look of 2025
Sunil Lahiri posted a video on his Instagram account on the occasion of New Year. In this, she showed a completely changed look of Anjali who played the character of Urmila in Ramayana. In the video, Sunil said:
“Jai Ram ji friends, in 2025 I am going to introduce you to a new modern, new look Australian Urmila ji i.e. Anjali ji. You have also met him last year in 2024 and you have seen him in Ramayana. Let us see this new and transformed Urmila ji i.e. Anjali ji.”
Urmila was seen in black dress and dance
In the video, Anjali is seen wearing a black colored short dress. She is seen dancing on the song of Pushpa 2. At the end of the video, Sunil Lahiri said in a funny manner, “You guys saw, Jai Shri Ram.”
While sharing this video, Sunil wrote the caption:
“You people saw Anjali ji i.e. Urmila ji of Ramayana in the look of Ramayana, then saw her in 2024 and now see her in the new modern Australian look in 2025….”
Mixed reaction from fans on social media
This video of Sunil Lahiri is getting a lot of reactions on social media. Many fans took it as a joke, while some expressed displeasure.
- One user wrote: “All that was left to see was that decorum was violated.”
- Another user commented: “Sir, the characters of Ramayana have a different image. Please do not tarnish his image by showing it in a modern look.”
- Someone wrote: “What do you want to say, sir?”
- Expressing anger, another user wrote: “Sunil ji, posting like this does not suit you. You have a unique identity, don’t spoil it.”
Fans’ attachment and sensitivity towards the show
Ramayana is not just a show, but a symbol of Indian culture and religious values. Its characters have left a deep impression in the hearts of the audience for decades. Perhaps this is the reason why fans want to see these characters in an ideal and dignified form.
What was Sunil Lahiri’s intention?
Although this video of Sunil Lahiri was probably made for entertainment and light-hearted fun, some viewers took it seriously. This video also shows how deep are people’s feelings towards a show like Ramayana and how highly they look up to these characters.