Sunday , December 22 2024

Know when and how to drink water in extreme heat, so that you don't fall ill | Live Updates, Unveiling the Latest India News Trends

People in the country and the state are already suffering from the heat. It is important to take care of some small things in the scorching heat. Because in this situation the risk of dehydration is the highest. At this time we drink cold drinks to keep the body cool but you need to be careful while drinking them. If you do not consume it properly, you can also fall ill.

Therefore, it is very important to know how much water should be drunk after coming out of the heat and what is the right way to drink water. If you do not take care of these small things, then in this season you can soon fall prey to dehydration along with illness.

Water intake is essential

It is very important to drink plenty of water in summer to avoid dehydration caused by high temperatures and strong sunlight. Keep in mind that when you come back after spending a long time in the hot sun, you should not drink water immediately because this increases the risk of problems like cold, dizziness, heat stroke and infection.

when should you drink water

Every time you come back from the sun, sit comfortably for a few minutes or at least 15-20 minutes and wait for your body temperature to return to normal. You should drink normal or slightly cold water only when the body temperature returns to normal. Also keep in mind at this time that do not drink water all at once. Drink water slowly.

keep drinking water from time to time

Water should be drunk in small quantities during the summer season. If you are coming back after staying in the sun for a long time, then if possible, drink lemon water slowly. This will give you energy and the fear of dehydration will also be reduced. If possible, you can also drink coconut water. This will keep the body hydrated and protect you from heat stroke.