Monday , December 23 2024

Know the benefits of drinking bael fruit juice

Consuming it in the summer season relieves many problems. Bael syrup is easily available in the market. Drinking the pulp of the bael fruit mixed with milk and water is also beneficial. Bael, full of medicinal properties, is very beneficial for stomach related diseases. Especially in summers, it cools the body. Today we are telling you the benefits of drinking bael syrup…

If you have gas in the stomach, heartburn or constipation, then use bael syrup daily. Drinking this syrup gives relief from the above problems. The problem of indigestion is also cured by bael

If you have gas in the stomach, heartburn or constipation, then use bael syrup daily. Drinking this syrup gives relief from the above problems. The problem of indigestion is also cured by bael

Eating wood apple pulp mixed with jaggery removes fatigue. This will make you feel refreshed. Wood apple syrup cools the mind.

Eating wood apple pulp mixed with jaggery removes fatigue. This will make you feel refreshed. Wood apple syrup cools the mind.

Consuming wood apple sherbet keeps the body cool and heart related problems go away.

Consuming wood apple sherbet keeps the body cool and heart related problems go away.

Drinking bael syrup cleanses the blood. Drinking this syrup reduces the risk of any kind of infection.

Drinking bael syrup cleanses the blood. Drinking this syrup reduces the risk of any kind of infection.

If you get frequent mouth ulcers, then use wood apple syrup for this. This will cure mouth ulcers.

If you get frequent mouth ulcers, then use wood apple syrup for this. This will cure mouth ulcers.

Wood apple cures stomach diseases and also cleans the intestines. To avoid diarrhea in summer, rub the pulp of ripe wood apple on your hands. Mix it in water and filter it, you can also add sugar to it.

Wood apple cures stomach diseases and also cleans the intestines. To avoid diarrhea in summer, rub the pulp of ripe wood apple on your hands. Mix it in water and filter it, you can also add sugar to it.