Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has sharply retaliated on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Sheeshmahal’ sarcasm. Kejriwal said that it seems ridiculous to hear talk of ‘Sheesh Mahal’ from the mouth of a person living in a house worth Rs 2700 crore. He also responded to PM Modi calling AAP a ‘disaster’ and said that the ‘disaster’ is not in Delhi but in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Reply to Prime Minister Modi’s ‘Sheeshmahal’ statement
On Friday, while inaugurating development projects worth Rs 4500 crore in Delhi’s Ashok Vihar, PM Modi mentioned ‘Sheesh Mahal’ and took a dig at Arvind Kejriwal without taking his name. The PM said that he does not have any house of his own, but if he wants, he can build a ‘Sheeshmahal’. Their objective is to provide permanent houses to the poor. The BJP alleged that Kejriwal spent crores of rupees to make ‘Sheeshmahal’, the official residence where he lived as the Chief Minister.
Kejriwal’s attack on the failure of the central government
Kejriwal held a press conference to respond to the Prime Minister’s criticism. He said that the Modi government has not done any such work in the last 10 years which can be counted before the public. He alleged that when work is not done, leaders have to resort to criticism and abuses. He said, “The Delhi government has done so many things that it would take many hours to count them.”
Kejriwal hits back at calling AAP ‘disaster’
On PM Modi calling AAP a ‘disaster’, Kejriwal said that this is not right. Taking a jibe at the BJP, he said that the real disaster lies within the BJP. He mentioned three major disasters:
- BJP does not have any face for the post of Chief Minister.
- BJP does not have any concrete narrative or plan for Delhi.
- BJP has no agenda.
He also added that the law and order situation in Delhi is under the control of BJP and it is a big disaster.
Taunt on ‘Sheeshmahal’ and luxurious lifestyle
Responding to PM Modi’s ‘Sheeshmahal’ statement, Kejriwal said, “The one who builds a house worth Rs 2700 crore, travels in a plane worth Rs 8400 crore and wears a suit worth Rs 10 lakh, such words look good from his mouth.” She doesn’t give.” While saying that he should stay away from personal allegations and counter-allegations, he stressed that he does not do politics of abuses. His focus is only on work politics, which has been seen and appreciated by the people of Delhi.
Kejriwal’s claim: politics of work is the real answer
Kejriwal said that his government has benefited the people by improving basic facilities like education, health, water, electricity. He taunted that instead of talking about work, BJP is busy in allegations and counter-allegations and personal attacks.