Monday , January 13 2025

Keep termites away from home during rainy season, adopt these 3 home remedies…


Termite Treatment: Termites cause a lot of damage to wood, furniture and other things in the house. Once it enters the house, it ruins everything. It costs a lot to get rid of it. However, there are some home remedies too, by which you can get rid of it from the house without spending money.
In home remedies, we can get rid of acne by natural methods like garlic oil and neem oil. In this article, we are going to tell you ways to avoid termites. By adopting these, you can get rid of termites very easily.

neem oil
Using neem oil in termite-infested areas can effectively eliminate termites. The disinfectants present in it change the behavior of termites and destroy them.

Salt is a major home remedy that helps in getting rid of termites. By dissolving it in water and sprinkling it on the termite infested area, you can get rid of the termite problem.

garlic oil
Garlic oil is a good home remedy to kill termites. Its specialty is that applying it to the infected area gets rid of it forever. The elements present in garlic oil kill termites effectively.