Bollywood actress and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut has invited Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and his sister Priyanka Gandhi to watch her upcoming film ‘Emergency’. The film is based on the life of former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi and the emergency imposed during 1975 to 1977. Along with playing the role of Indira Gandhi in this film, Kangana has also directed it. The film is going to be released in theaters on January 17.
Kangana criticized Rahul Gandhi, praised Priyanka
In an interview given to Times Now, Kangana Ranaut made a scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi’s behaviour. While praising Priyanka Gandhi, she described her as “polite and intelligent”.
Recalling her conversation with Priyanka Gandhi in Parliament, Kangana said:
“When I met her, she smiled and spoke very politely. It was a very lovely conversation. I remember that moment well. Priyanka Gandhi is very intelligent and whatever she says is right. I enjoy interacting with them.”
On the contrary, about Rahul Gandhi, Kangana said:
“You know the behavior of his brother (Rahul Gandhi). He smiled at me, but he lacked manners. Still, I invite them to watch the film.”
‘Emergency’: A film based on the dark chapter of democracy
The film ‘Emergency’ shows the emergency imposed during 1975 to 1977 and its consequences. This is considered a dark chapter in the history of Indian democracy.
Apart from Kangana, many famous actors will be seen in important roles in the film:
- Anupam Kher
- Shreya Talpade
- Mahima Chaudhary
- Milind Soman
- Vishal Nair
- Late Satish Kaushik
Kangana’s invitation and message
Kangana Ranaut while inviting Congress leaders regarding her film said that this film is not just entertainment but an opportunity to understand an important part of history. He said that the film presents the political and social developments of the time of Emergency with reality.