Actually, the cornea of Jasmine's eyes has been damaged. Due to this, she is having trouble seeing. All this happened after inserting lenses in her eyes.
It is being told that when Jasmine put the lens in her eyes, she started having pain in her eyes. The pain increased so much that it became difficult to bear.
After this, when she went to the doctor, it was found that the cornea of her eyes was damaged due to wearing lenses. After this, the doctor bandaged her eyes and said that it would take about 4-5 days to recover. Due to the bandage, she is not able to see anything.
Giving information about this incident, Jasmine Bhasin said that she had gone to Delhi to attend an event on July 17. For this event, Jasmine had put lenses in her eyes, due to which she had to face trouble. First her eyes started burning, then she started having pain and after some time she lost her eyesight.
Jasmine Bhasin said that despite suffering so much pain, she completed her work wearing glasses. When she could not bear the pain, she was taken to the doctor and it was found that the cornea of her eyes was damaged due to wearing lenses for a long time. After this, she came to Mumbai and got herself treated.
At present, her eyes are bandaged and she has still not got relief from the pain. Fans are very upset after seeing Jasmine's picture. Everyone is wishing for her speedy recovery.