Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has become a victim of deep-fake. He has demanded a compensation of one lakh euros from OP for making a deep-fake porn video and making it viral. In Indian currency it is approximately Rs 90 lakh.
Giorgio Maloney's face has been replaced with that of an adult film star and re-uploaded to an American adult content website. Father and son are also included among the accused. The son's age is 40 years and the father's age is 73 years. Together they made an obscene video of Maloney and made it viral. Maloney has filed a defamation suit against the accused.
Police reached the accused through mobile phone
According to the information received from the police, they traced the smartphone used to upload the video and reached the accused. This deep-fake video is from before he becomes the Prime Minister of his country in 2022. The video has since received millions of views. Maloney will testify in court on July 2. In Italy, the accused can also be punished in defamation cases.
Maloney will donate the refund
Prime Minister Georgia Maloney's legal team said the compensation demand was a symbolic move. Mello will donate the entire compensation amount to help female victims of male violence. Maloney's lawyer Maria Giulia said the demand for compensation was a message to other women who have been victims of this type of violence. Maloney says that women who are victims of violence should not be afraid to speak out.
What is deep-fake?
The term deep-fake first appeared in late 2017. A user by this name on Reddit created a platform to share porn videos made with open source face swapping technology. Deep-fake means lie. With the help of AI, such films are being made which are not true. But the truth is in front. This is a threat to public trust and integrity.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also called deep-fake technology dangerous
Regarding deep-fake videos, PM Modi said that videos made with AI are a matter of great concern. Deep-fakes are a powerful tool to spread misinformation and distort public opinion. Because it can be used by people to say something or create a solid audio or video recording. Many leaders have expressed concern over the increasing publicity of deep-fakes, which they have never done.