Apple has finally announced the launch date of the upcoming iPhone lineup. The company will organize this event on September 9. The launch will be organized at Apple Park, which is in Cupertino, California as always. As always, this event will be hosted by 'Tim Cook'. The company has kept the theme of this event – It's Glotime. This time the company is going to launch iPhone 16 in the market, taking its series forward. It includes four models iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. Along with this, new updates, earbuds and smartwatches can also be introduced. Let us know when and where you can watch the Apple Event live.
When and where to watch the Apple event 'It's Glorytime'
This Apple event will take place on September 9 at 10 am. While this event will take place in California, it will be 10.30 pm in India. The event will be broadcast from Apple Park, which users will be able to watch online from Apple's website and YouTube channel.
Apple may launch 4 new models this year. These include iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max.
Possible features of iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus
Display: Both models will have a 60Hz refresh rate display.
Construction: aluminum body
Software: iOS 18 support with 'Apple Intelligence'.
Storage: Up to 512GB of internal storage could be available.
Processor: A17 Bionic chipset.
size: 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch options.
Camera: 12MP ultra-wide angle camera, 2x optical zoom.
Battery: 3,561mAh battery, the iPhone 16 Plus may have a 4,006mAh battery.
Possible features of iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max
Display: Both models will have a 120Hz refresh rate display.
Construction: Titanium Body
Software: iOS 18 support with 'Apple Intelligence'.
storage: Up to 1TB of internal storage may be available.
Processor: A18 Pro chipset.
size: 6.3-inch and 6.9-inch options.
Camera: 48MP ultra-wide angle camera, 12MP unit, 5x optical zoom.
Battery: The iPhone 16 Pro may have a 3,355mAh battery, the iPhone 16 Pro Max may have a 4,676mAh battery.