In the much-discussed high profile case of Bengaluru, AI engineer Atul Subhash committed suicide after being fed up of his wife’s harassment. People had not yet forgotten that another similar case has come to light from the Model Town police station area of North West district of Delhi. , Where in Kalyan Vihar, a 39-year-old youth ended his life by hanging himself at home. The divorce case of the deceased was also going on with his wife.
The deceased businessman has been identified as Puneet Khurana. Puneet got married eight years ago. But this couple had no children and there were frequent fights between them. Two years ago, Puneet was left by his wife and she went to live with her father. Meanwhile, both of them had filed a divorce case with mutual consent.
When the family saw Puneet hanging, they immediately took him to the hospital. Here the doctor declared him dead. The police have taken Puneet’s body into their custody and sent it for post-mortem and the investigation of the entire matter is going on, while the police have also seized Puneet’s mobile phone.