A silent killer disease like diabetes can seriously affect your overall health. According to health experts, diabetes can be controlled to a great extent by controlling blood sugar level. However, according to Ayurveda, you can control diabetes by eating some natural foods in appropriate amounts daily. Let us know about some such medicinal properties.
Triphala powder will prove beneficial
Have you ever consumed Triphala powder? If not, make Triphala powder a part of your daily diet to control diabetes. Triphala powder can be effective not only in controlling your blood sugar level but also in providing relief from stomach related problems like constipation. Triphala powder, rich in antioxidant properties, helps in reducing your weight to a great extent.
Include aloe vera juice in your diet
For your information, let us tell you that all the elements found in aloe vera juice can control diseases like diabetes to a great extent by controlling your blood sugar level. According to Ayurveda, drinking aloe vera juice with lassi can prove to be very beneficial for your health. For best results both aloe vera juice and lassi should be fresh.
Eat Amla regularly
According to Ayurveda, diabetic patients must eat Amla daily. By consuming this herb rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, you can control your blood sugar level to a great extent. Amla is also called antidiabetic. You can strengthen your health by eating Amla regularly every day.