Thursday , December 26 2024

If you have kidney stones, you should not consume this fruit, it will increase the size of the stones!

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Fruits to avoid during kidney stones: Kidneys are called the filter of the human body. It filters the dirt and fluids of the body and removes toxins from the body. This reduces the risk of many diseases. In case of kidney stones, the problem of urinary tract infection and stomach pain persists.

Why do kidney stones occur? ,
Generally, when we eat any unhealthy food or drink any harmful liquid, it can lead to kidney stones. so from kidney problem It is very important for struggling patients to know which foods they should consume and which foods they should not consume.

Fruits for kidney patients:
Generally we consider fruits as a treasure of health. This is also true. But not everyone can eat all the fruits. It is not necessary that every fruit is suitable for every disease.

If you have kidney stones, consume these fruits:
– Fruits with high water content are very beneficial for kidney stone patients. Water, watermelon, Kidney stones dissolve by drinking dates etc.
-If you have more kidney stones, you should consume more and more calcium rich fruits. For this you should eat fruits like blackberry, grapes and kiwi.
– Kidney stone patients should eat sour fruits in large quantities because they not only provide relief from kidney problems but also increase immunity.

If you have kidney stones then do not eat these 5 fruits:
1. Pomegranate
2. Pear
3. Dry fruits
4. Strawberry
5. Blueberry