The last date for filing Income Tax Return (ITR) is 31st July 2024. This means that now there are not many days left to file ITR. In such a situation, you should keep some important documents ready before filing ITR. Many times all the documents are ready but we forget the password of the e-filing portal.
Many taxpayers forget their password and enter the wrong password repeatedly. In such a situation, you don't need to worry now. Today we will tell you how you can reset your password on the income tax portal. The process of resetting the password is quite easy.
How to reset password through Aadhaar and OTP
First of all you have to go to the homepage of e-filing and click on login.
Now after entering the user ID select the forgot password option.
After this, you will get the option to reset the password.
For password reset you have to choose Mobile OTP option.
Now enter the OTP received on the mobile after which you can reset the new password.
Keep one thing in mind, your password will only come on the mobile number linked to Aadhaar.
Reset Password through Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
To reset password through DSC, first you need to log in to the e-filing page.
Now enter the user ID and select forgot password option.
After this, to reset the password, you will have to choose the option of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
Now upload your DSC and proceed further.
After this you will have to enter a new password and this way your password will be reset.