Gold prices remained stable in the country while silver prices increased. On Tuesday, the price of 10 grams of gold was Rs 73,945 but on Wednesday it increased by Rs 75 to Rs 74,020. On Tuesday, the price of one kilogram of silver was Rs 90,506 but by Wednesday it has increased by Rs 624 to Rs 91,140. On the third day of trading i.e. on Wednesday, the prices of gold and silver have increased.
gold price?
Gold prices are stable in the international market as well. The price of one ounce of gold was $2327 on Tuesday and it reached $2332 on Wednesday. Currently, the price of one ounce of silver is $29.64.
Retail Gold Price in India
The retail price of gold in India reflects the final cost per unit weight to consumers which is influenced by various factors beyond the intrinsic value of the metal. Gold has great cultural significance in India, serving as a major investment and playing an important role in traditional weddings and festivals. Investors and traders keep a close eye on these dynamics amid the ongoing volatility in the market.
Gold rate today in your city
City | 22 carat 10 gram gold price | price of 10 grams 24 carat gold |
Delhi | 66,390 | 72,410 |
Ahmedabad | 66,290 | 72,270 |
Chennai | 66,840 | 72,920 |
Hyderabad | 66,240 | 72,270 |
Bangalore | 66,240 | 72,270 |
Mumbai | 66,240 | 72,270 |