Bollywood superstar actor Salman Khan has been in the headlines for the last few days regarding the old Chakchari kidnapping case. The actor has gone to court several times regarding this case and has also served jail sentence, but once again Salman Khan has come under the target of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. After the threats, Salman Khan's security has been increased, but he is receiving continuous threats. In this case, the actor is again receiving threats and a demand of Rs 2 crore has been made but this time Lawrence Bishnoi has not given any threat. Now the question is whether Salman Khan has another enemy?
Who threatened Salman Khan?
There is no doubt that actor Salman Khan has been receiving death threats for some time. Keeping this in mind, Salman's security has been tightened. But still the threats are not stopping. According to the information, Mumbai Traffic Police Control received a message on Wednesday morning. In this message, an unknown person has threatened to kill Salman Khan. Not only this, this person also demanded Rs 2 crore from Salman. The trend of Salman receiving threats is old. But after the shooting in Galaxy Apartment, Salman has received many threats.
Often the gangster Bishnoi gang takes responsibility for the threat. But in this case it is not yet clear from where Salman received this threat. In such a situation, it is not yet known who gave this threat to Salman Khan. But now this question is definitely arising in the minds of people that how many enemies does Salman have?
Difference between Lawrence Bishnoi and Salman Khan!
Salman Khan's black buck case is more than 20 years old. Salman has also gone to jail 3-4 times in this case. But for some time now they have been getting relief in this matter. The actor's black buck case is currently in the Supreme Court and the final decision is yet to come. On the other hand, Bishnoi society and Lawrence Bishnoi gang want Salman to apologize publicly in this matter. But if Salman does not do so, he and his family are receiving death threats.