Credit cards prove to be extremely helpful when you need money immediately and you do not have it. However, this is good only if the credit card is used wisely and the bills are paid on time. Otherwise you may also get trapped in the trap of debt. Along with understanding the importance of credit card, you also have to understand that you cannot use it in certain cases like taking a mortgage, buying stocks or sending money orders etc. In such a situation, you have the option to transfer money through credit card. Bank account. This process allows you to access funds when credit card payments are not accepted.
Transfer money from credit card through net banking
- First of all go to the official website of your bank or open the mobile banking app.
- Now log in to your net banking account using your login details.
- After logging in, go to the Credit Card section to access your credit card account details.
- Here select the fund transfer option in the credit card section.
- Navigate and click on Transfer to Bank Account.
- Now enter the amount you want to transfer and the details of the bank account you want to send the money to.
- Now verify all the details correctly.
- Confirm the transfer request and enter the OTP or any required security measures,
Review the transaction confirmation and note down the reference number or transaction ID provided.
Keep these things in mind before transferring money
Before transferring money from credit card to bank account, make sure you have sufficient credit available on your card. Be aware of any fees and interest rates associated with fund transfers. Credit card companies often charge a processing fee, usually between 1% and 5% of the amount transferred. Prioritize security when transferring money. Use trusted and secure platforms for transactions, and never share information like your credit card CVV, PIN or OTP with anyone.