New Delhi: Central employees are waiting for the 8th Pay Commission. The new Pay Commission is expected to come in January 2026. Before the Lok Sabha elections, in the month of March, the central government had increased the dearness allowance by 4 percent. At present, the central government employees are getting dearness allowance at the rate of 50 percent. Which is applicable from January 1, 2024. Apart from dearness allowance, the house rent allowance of the employees was also increased.
Central employees are demanding 8th pay commission,
DA has reached 50 per cent of the basic salary. Many unions of central government employees have already started demanding the 8th Pay Commission when DA reached 50 per cent. Many central government corporations, including railway unions, have started raising the demand for the formation of the 8th Pay Commission. According to reports, the 8th Pay Commission is likely to be implemented from January 2026.
Central unions write to the government
Letter In a letter to the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, the Indian Railway Technical Supervisors' Association urged the government to set up the Eighth Pay Commission and remove all existing complexities to minimise future anomalies. The Do&PT has forwarded the letter to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for further action. The Expenditure Ministry is responsible for implementing the Pay Commission recommendations.
The 7th Pay Commission came in the year 2014.
The current 7th Pay Commission was constituted in 2014 and its recommendations were implemented in 2016. Since then, the central government has increased the salary of employees by about 23 percent. Generally, a Central Pay Commission is constituted every 10 years. But it is not legally mandatory. The Pay Commission examines, reviews, develops and recommends changes in the salaries, allowances and other facilities and benefits of central government employees and pensioners. The first Pay Commission was implemented in 1946.
How to calculate DA
DA is given to government employees, while DR is given to pensioners. DA and DR increase twice a year. DA and DR hikes are determined based on the percentage of the 12-month average of the Indian CPRIW. But the central government revises the allowances every year on January 1 and July 1, but it is announced in March and September or October. In 2006, the central government revised the formula for calculating DA and DR for central government employees and pensioners.