TV actress Hina Khan has once again expressed her pain. Every day is full of challenges for the actress who is battling an incurable disease like cancer, but still Hina does not give up. She keeps sharing her health updates with her fans. Recently, through another post, Hina told how difficult the year 2024 has been for her. Let us tell you what Hina said.
Hina Khan shared the story
Actress Hina Khan has shared a video on her Instagram story. In this video, Hina has said that the year 2024 was very difficult for her but she learned a lot from it. Hina said that this year has brought many difficulties for her but still she does not hate this year. Hina gave a message to her fans through the video that she does not hate the year 2024 but this year was very difficult for her.
Hina’s reaction on the year 2024
Hina told through a post that she has learned many new things this year. Many difficulties came his way, he saw how his entire life changed in the blink of an eye. However, after this it is said in the video that he has also realized that nothing is more important than his own health. First of all he will take care of his health.
You showed me that there is no need to answer every question immediately
After this Hina says that in the year 2024 you showed me that not every question needs an immediate answer and not every ending is bad. You taught me that stability is not stability. Sometimes, it’s a way of life that makes room for new things.
‘You gave me wounds that have not healed till date’
I don’t hate you, but I won’t forgive you, at least not yet. You showed me truths I didn’t want to face, made me face losses I wasn’t ready to experience. The wounds you have given me do not heal, I still do not see any light, the circumstances do not show any ray of light.
But maybe that’s the lesson – you didn’t come to fix me or set me free. You are here to dispel the misconception that life is nothing but relentless and brutally honest. So thank you 2024, you weren’t easy, but you were necessary.