heart attack: Due to today's eating habits, most of the people are facing the problem of heart attack. Often people like to eat fried and spicy food from outside, but do you know that continuously eating outside food has a bad effect on the heart. To avoid this, you should reduce the consumption of outside food and include some things in your diet. Let us know about those things.
consume these things daily
To avoid hand-related problems at an early age due to wrong eating habits, you can include green leafy vegetables in your diet. Consuming things like spinach, cabbage, fenugreek, coriander daily will keep your heart healthy and protect you from diseases.
walnuts for heart
To keep your heart healthy, you can consume dry fruits daily. Let us tell you that walnuts are considered very beneficial for the heart. It is rich in fiber and micronutrients, which help in keeping the heart healthy and also controls blood pressure.
Tomato is beneficial for the heart
Tomato contains an antioxidant called lycopene, which is considered very beneficial for the heart. It removes the risk of heart disease and provides relief from the problem of high BP.
eat fruits daily
You can consume fresh fruits regularly to keep your heart healthy. Nutrients like minerals and vitamins present in it reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and heart related problems.
eat oats for breakfast
If you eat oats for breakfast every morning, it can have many benefits for your body. It reduces cholesterol levels and the fiber called beta glucan present in it makes the hard fiber healthy. Apart from all this, you should also avoid smoking and alcohol, drinking too much alcohol also increases the chances of heart attack.