Varanasi, 06 September (HS). On Friday, on Hartalika Teej, the third day of the Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month, special decorations were done for Baba Vishwanath and Mata Parvati. The ritual was completed amidst chanting of Vedic mantras in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple located in Shri Kashi Vishwanath Dham. The entire program was conducted under the supervision of the temple trust. During this time, there was a queue of devotees for darshan pujan in the court. Women fasting also worshipped this form. Crowds of women devotees kept arriving in the court since morning.
According to the mythological story, Goddess Parvati observed this fast to get Mahadev as her husband. In various branches of the Sanatan belief, married women observe this fast with feelings of dedication, affection and well-being towards their husbands. On the other hand, on the occasion of Hartalika Teej, crowds of fasting women and unmarried girls gathered in Mangala Gauri and other goddess temples. Mata Sankatha was also adorned with special bangles on the festival. Crowds of devotees gathered to have the darshan of this wonderful adornment of the Goddess, which happens only once a year.