Popular TV actress Tejashwi Prakash, whom the audience loves in shows like Bigg Boss and Naagin, will soon be seen in Celebrity MasterChef. The shooting of this show has started. But during the shooting, Tejashwi got injured in his hand. The actress herself gave this information.
Tejashwi’s hand burnt while cooking
On Saturday, Tejasvi Prakash was spotted on the sets of Celebrity MasterChef. During this time she was seen in blue top and gray joggers. Tejashwi posed for the paparazzi and talked about his injury.
- What did Tejashwi say?
Tejashwi said, “His hand got burnt while cooking.”
When he was asked how the accident happened, he replied,
“Hand burnt in the oven.”
The actress had applied cream on her burnt hand.
These stars will also be seen in the show
Along with Tejashwi, many other celebrities are also participating in Celebrity MasterChef:
- Archana Gautam: Her hand was cut while cutting almonds during the shooting.
- Deepika Kakkar Ibrahim.
- Gaurav Khanna.
- Rajeev Adatiya.
- Nikki Tamboli.
- Faisal Malik.
- Usha Nadkarni.
- Kavita Singh.
There is already a lot of buzz about the show and fans are excited to see these stars in different avatars.
Tejasvi Prakash’s career graph
serpent 6
- Earlier, Tejashwi was seen in Naagin 6, which was well liked by the audience.
bigg boss 15
- Tejashwi participated in Bigg Boss 15 and became the winner of the show.
- It was in this show that he became friends and then fell in love with Karan Kundrra.
Relationship with Karan Kundra
- Even after coming out of the show, the pairing of Tejashwi and Karan is very popular among the fans.
- The relationship between the two remains strong and they are often seen together.