Monday , January 13 2025

Gujarat in top-5 in diabetes cases, 61% patients faced discrimination in India

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World Diabetes Day: The rate of diabetes among Indians is increasing due to the increasing trend of fast food and sedentary lifestyle. Diabetes is highest in the states including Delhi-Chandigarh in the country. In which Gujarat is in the top-5 in diabetes cases in the country. While the prevalence of diabetes in rural areas of Gujarat is around 12 percent, it is around 18 percent in urban areas.

Three out of every lakh children have diabetes

Type 1 cases affected one in every 100,000 children suffering from diabetes. But now three children have type-1 diabetes. Currently, more than 74 million people in India suffer from diabetes and this rate is expected to increase in 2045.

86 percent people are in depression

World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14 November. Under which a survey was conducted by the International Diabetes Federation regarding the mental condition of diabetic patients. In which 86 percent diabetic patients are in depression, while 61 percent people are being discriminated against.

This year, an online survey of diabetic patients was conducted from September 9 to October 9 on a theme based on mental condition. According to the findings of this survey, 76 percent of diabetic patients in India fear complications from diabetes and 72 percent experience difficulty in daily management while 65 percent seek help from health professionals.

Women remain more stressed than men

According to a survey, 90 percent of women suffering from diabetes suffer from depression. Whereas men have 84 percent anxiety and stress. Dr. Bansi Sabu, Chairman of South East Asia Region of International Diabetes Federation, said that today there has been a huge increase in auto immune diseases in the country and the world including Gujarat. Due to which the rate of thyroid-diabetes and especially type-1 diabetes has increased. More than 5.9 crore people are burdened with maintaining their mental condition due to diabetes. When diabetes is not under control, patients are now taking the help of psychologists and therapists for mental balance.