Delhi Chief Minister Atishi Big statement: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has targeted the central government. Atishi has accused the LG of Delhi of approving the plan to demolish temples and Buddhist temples. Atishi claimed that in a meeting held on November 22, it was decided to demolish several temples located in West Patel Nagar, Dilshad Garden, Seemapuri, Gokalpuri, New Osmanpur and Sultanpuri and a Buddhist temple located in Sunder Nagari.
big allegation of arson
Atishi said in the press conference, ‘The BJP government is planning to demolish temples and Buddhist temples in various parts of Delhi. There is a religious committee which takes decisions on relocation or demolition of temples. It comes under the Home Minister of Delhi Government. Till last year, all the decisions of this committee were first placed before the Home Minister and any action was taken only after his approval. But last year Delhi LG ordered that demolition of any religious place is a law and order issue and hence it comes under Delhi LG and hence Delhi Chief Minister or Home Minister has nothing to do with it.
According to Atishi, ‘Now the religious committee is directly under the Delhi LG. The committee is chaired by the Principal Secretary of the Home Department and sends the recommendations of the committee directly to the Delhi LG for approval. A meeting of the religious committee was held on 22 November. Yesterday the LG office told the media that there was no order to demolish the temples, but this is false. In the meeting held on November 22, it was decided to demolish several temples in West Patel Nagar, Dilshad Garden, Seemapuri, Gokalpuri, New Osmanpur and Sultanpuri and a Buddhist temple located in Sunder Nagari. Delhi LG has approved it and now DM and SDM are preparing to demolish these temples.
Yesterday Atishi also wrote a letter to the Governor regarding this matter.
Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday wrote a letter to LG VK Saxena against the religious committee’s order to demolish temples and Buddhist structures in Delhi. In a letter to the LG, he said, ‘Demolishing religious structures can hurt the religious sentiments of the people. It has come to my notice that the Religious Committee in a meeting on November 22, 2024 has ordered the demolition of several religious buildings across Delhi. Till last year, the decision of the religious committee was taken from the CM to the LG of Delhi, but this has not been followed in the related order process.
Do not demolish any temple or place of worship: Atishi appeals to LG
In a letter to the LG, the Delhi CM said, ‘In an order issued last year, your office had said that demolition of religious structures is a matter of public order, and does not fall within the purview of the elected government. Directly under the purview of the Lieutenant Governor. Since then the work of the Religious Committee is being directly supervised by you. Demolition of these structures will hurt the religious sentiments of these communities. On behalf of the people of Delhi, I want to request you not to demolish any temple or place of worship.
Atishi cheap on LG to do politics Was accused
The temples and religious structures mentioned by Atishi in the letter to the LG include the temple in Nala Market of West Patel Nagar, the temple in Dilshad Garden, the statue in Sunder Nagari, the temple in Gokal Puri, the temple next to New Osmanpur MCD. Are. Flat. In this letter, Atishi has responded to Delhi LG VK Saxena and accused the Delhi Chief Minister of doing cheap politics to divert attention from the issues.
LG Secretariat responded to Atishi’s letter
“Neither any temple, mosque, church or any other place of worship is being demolished or demolished,” the LG secretariat said in a statement. Also, no such file has reached the Lieutenant Governor. The current CM is doing cheap politics to divert attention from his own and his previous CM’s failures.
Lieutenant Governor praised CM Atishi yesterday
Yesterday on December 30, the Lieutenant Governor wrote a letter to Atishi wishing him a happy New Year 2025 and wished that he always remains healthy and continues to move forward on the path of progress. He wrote, ‘When you took oath as the Chief Minister, on that occasion also I heartily congratulated you and congratulated you and since then during my tenure of two and a half years, I have seen the work of a sitting Chief Minister. For the first time. Whereas your previous Chief Minister did not have a single department of the government nor did he have signatures on the files. You tried to work on various issues of administration by taking charge of many departments.