Former Haryana Chief Minister and Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) chief Om Prakash Chautala died on Friday at the age of 89. Chautala’s name is recorded as an important chapter in the politics of Haryana. In his life, he not only raised the voice of farmers and Jat community but also faced many controversies.
Big face of farmers and Jat politics
Om Prakash Chautala made his place in Haryana politics by keeping farmers and Jat community at the center. The Jat population in the state is 27%, mainly engaged in farming. Chautala organized this community and traveled to the position of Chief Minister. He became Chief Minister 5 times between 1989 and 2005, although he could complete his tenure only once.
Chautala’s political journey was vocal on the issues of rural society and farmers. But his career was not untouched by controversies, especially the JBT scam and disproportionate assets cases which deeply damaged his image.
JBT Scam: Tihar Jail’s oldest prisoner
Om Prakash Chautala and his son Ajay Chautala were convicted in the teachers recruitment scam (JBT) in 2013.
- He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
- Irregular recruitment of 3000 teachers was done in this scam.
- He became the oldest prisoner in Tihar Jail.
He was released from jail in 2021 during the Corona period, but in 2022 he had to go to jail again in another case of disproportionate assets. He was found guilty in this case and a fine of Rs 50 lakh was also imposed. However, in August 2022, the Delhi High Court suspended his sentence.
Political division and rift in the family
After the JBT scam, not only INLD became weak but there was also division in the Chautala family.
- In 2019, his grandson Dushyant Chautala broke away and formed the Jannayak Janata Party (JJP).
- After this division, INLD lost its old dominance in Haryana politics.
2013: Uproar by supporters during sentencing
When Chautala was sentenced in 2013, his supporters surrounded the court.
- About 4000 supporters clashed with the police.
- There were stone pelting and petrol bomb attacks.
- Despite sealing the Delhi and Haryana border, the police had to resort to lathicharge when the situation worsened.
One family, many political poles
Om Prakash Chautala leaves behind three daughters and two sons (Ajay Singh Chautala and Abhay Singh Chautala).
- His elder son Ajay Chautala was also convicted in the JBT scam.
- Dushyant Chautala, now the Deputy CM of Haryana, formed a separate party from his grandfather.
- Abhay Chautala is still leading INLD.
Legacy and controversy
Om Prakash Chautala’s name will remain immortal in Haryana politics as a strong farmer leader. But his political journey was also deeply associated with controversies. His leadership abilities and organizational skills gave him an indelible mark in Haryana politics, but scams and controversies deeply affected his image.
With his demise, Haryana has lost a leader who influenced the politics of the state for decades.