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Foot massage during pregnancy: Is foot massage safe during pregnancy | News India


Foot massage during pregnancy : Many women experience swelling in their feet during pregnancy. ( Swelling of the legs during pregnancy ) In many cases, swelling in the feet causes severe pain and some women are unable to even walk. In such a situation, many women resort to foot massage, which helps them. But foot massage during pregnancy does not provide relief to every woman, as foot massage can be painful for some women. Let's see how.

Pregnancy is a physical condition that brings many changes in the body of the concerned woman including weight gain, hair loss, vomiting, headache, restlessness. Not only this, some women may also have psychological problems like mood swings, irritability during pregnancy. Apart from this, many women have swelling in their feet, which causes severe pain in the feet and difficulty in walking. In such a situation, apart from necessary medical examination, foot massage can give them some relief.

Is Foot Massage Safe During Pregnancy?

Many women have this question in their minds, is it safe to massage their feet during pregnancy? There has been a lot of discussion about foot massage, especially during pregnancy. Although many people have different opinions about this, but according to experts, there is no harm in massaging the feet during pregnancy. The benefits of foot massage are good, but in some cases there are disadvantages of foot massage, but they are very few. However, whether to massage the feet or not can be decided only after consulting a doctor.

Benefits of Foot Massage During Pregnancy

It provides relief from problems like stress, depression and anxiety during pregnancy and gives mental peace. It is also beneficial for the health of the baby.

stress free pregnancy

Foot massage reduces the level of stress hormone cortisol in the body. This keeps you stress free and your mood also remains good. This not only benefits your physical health, but also benefits the baby growing in the womb.

Labor pain subsides

Foot massage during pregnancy improves blood circulation and reduces swelling of the feet. It also reduces headaches. Studies have shown that women who get regular foot massages spend an average of 3 hours less time in labor and require less medication.

Beneficial for the baby

A study published by Science Direct found that women who regularly receive foot massages during pregnancy are less likely to have premature babies. Studies have shown that newborns born to women who receive foot massages had lower cortisol levels.

Postpartum Benefits

Women who received massage during pregnancy had lower postpartum depression and cortisol levels. Foot massage makes women feel refreshed and happy for a long time, which does not affect them easily.

Who should not get a foot massage during pregnancy?

In some cases, foot massage may not be safe. If you have blood clots in your legs or symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, it is better not to massage your legs. Changes in blood flow during pregnancy increase the risk of DVDD in women, so massage can cause dangerous complications if they are already at risk.