A sad news is coming from Bollywood. Famous producer Dheerajlal Shah passed away on Monday. He was treated for a long time in a hospital in Mumbai but the doctors could not save him. Dheerajlal Shah has said goodbye to the world. Sunny Deol's film 'The Hero: Love Story of a Spy' was produced by Dheeraj Lal Shah. Apart from this, he also produced Akshay Kumar's 'Khiladi' franchise and Ajay Devgan's 'Vijaypath'.
Giving information about this sad news, Dheerajlal Shah's brother Hasmukh Shah said that he got corona and after that he started having lung problems.
According to the information received, Dheerajlal Shah's kidneys and heart were also affected, due to which many parts of the body stopped functioning. About 20 days ago his health worsened. He was immediately admitted to ICU. His last rites will be performed today.
Expressing his condolences, 'The Hero' director Anil Sharma said that apart from being a great human being, he was also a great producer. Meanwhile, producer Harish Sugandha said that he bought the video rights of 'Shahenshah' and after that his life changed.
great movies were made
Dheeraj Lal Shah made hit films like 'Krishna' (1996), 'Vijaypath' and 'The Hero'. Apart from Sunny Deol, Priyanka Chopra and Preity Zinta were also in lead roles in 'The Hero'. The film was highly appreciated.