Amritsar : Fake soldier Sandeep Singh, resident of village Cheeka Anandpur Sahib, who was arrested by the police of D Division police station, is being interrogated. Police are also investigating whether he has any connection with ISI as he has visited Roorkee Army Cantt, Jammu Army Cantt and Amritsar Army Cantt several times. The purpose for which he had gone here is being investigated closely. At present the police will interrogate the accused for three days. The police is also going to take the help of Army Intelligence in the investigation. The investigation so far has revealed that the accused works as a JCB driver in Jammu and Kashmir. Police have also received many CCTV footage, in which he had reached the Army Cantt area in uniform.
The police have also seized the mobile phone of the accused and his mobile phone is being investigated. People who were in contact with him are also being investigated. ADCP-1 Dr. Darpan Ahluwalia says that the accused is on remand for three days and is being interrogated. He is being interrogated from every aspect. The purpose for which the uniforms were purchased by the accused is also being investigated. The investigation so far has revealed that the accused had purchased this uniform from Dehradun.
Let us tell you that on Sunday, the police of D Division police station received information that the accused was roaming near Golbagh wearing army uniform. Based on this, when the police imposed a blockade, it was stopped. He was asked for his identity card, but he could not show it. He has said that he has a passion to become an army officer and he also fulfills this passion. But the police is investigating it from every aspect, because the accused has come to Kent area many times. Police have recovered the uniforms of three constables, a Subedar and a Major and several identity cards from the possession of the accused.