Indobell Insulation has made a strong debut in the stock market. The company’s shares were listed at Rs 87.40 with a 90% premium, while the share price in the IPO was fixed at Rs 46. The total size of this IPO was Rs 10.14 crore, which opened on 6 January 2025 and closed on 8 January. This IPO was issued at fixed price.
Stormy rise after listing
After the spectacular listing, the rising trend in the shares of Indobel Insulation continued.
- Share Price:
- The shares reached Rs 91.77 with a gain of 5%.
- The stock also touched a low of Rs 83.03 during trading.
Company Introduction
Indobel Insulation was established in May 1972.
What does the company make?
- The company manufactures insulation products.
- Their products are used in residential, commercial and industrial applications.
Promoters and stake:
- Promoters:
- Vijay Burman
- Man Mohan Burman
- Megha Burman
- Raksha Burman
- Before the IPO, the promoters’ stake was 99.99%, which has now come down to 65%.
IPO got tremendous response
Indobel Insulation’s IPO was very popular among investors.
- Total Subscription:
- The IPO was subscribed 54.13 times.
- Category-wise subscription:
- Retail investors: 52.37 times.
- Non-Institutional Investors (NII): 51.31 times.
- In one lot:
- There were 3000 shares in one lot in the IPO.
- Retail investors had to invest Rs 1,38,000 for one lot.
Use of funds raised from IPO
The company will use the funds raised from the IPO for the following purposes:
- Purchase of additional plant and machinery.
- To meet working capital requirements.
employee data
- As of December 31, 2024, the company has a total of 31 employees working across various departments.
Was it right to invest in this IPO?
Investors’ earnings:
- Investors who bought at the IPO price of Rs 46 made a profit of 90% on the listing itself.
- After listing in the stock market, this stock has become increasingly attractive for investors.
future prospects:
- The company’s growth prospects are quite good due to increasing demand for insulation products and strong fundamentals.