Delhi’s Badli Assembly seat is once again in the headlines, where Delhi Congress President Devendra Yadav is contesting for the fourth time against Aam Aadmi Party candidate Ajesh Yadav and BJP’s Deepak Chaudhary. Gayatri, wife of Deepak Chaudhary, who has previously been DUSU president, is a BJP councilor from Samaypur Badli. The region is dominated by the Yadav community, and hence all parties have tried to create a caste equation.
Brief history of seat
Since 1993, BJP candidates have won thrice, Congress candidates twice and Aam Aadmi Party candidates have won the Badli assembly seat twice. BJP led Jai Bhagwan Aggarwal to victory in 1993, 1998 and 2003. After this, Devendra Yadav of Congress won twice in a row, then Aam Aadmi Party candidate won in the last election. Badli is located in Rohini in the north-western district of Delhi, and this time candidates from all three parties are campaigning vigorously.
Local issues: poor condition of roads and sewerage
Local resident Sunil said that the issues of construction of roads, sewerage and toilets are major in Badli assembly constituency. People are very upset due to the poor condition of the roads here. Apart from this, lack of street lights in the area is also a big problem, due to which there is no lighting during night time.
voter status
- Total voters: 2,37,947
- Male voters: 1,30,522
- Women voters: 1,07,385
- Third Gender Voters: 40
(This data is as of the Election Commission’s date of January 6, 2025.)
2020 assembly election results
- Aam Aadmi Party: 69,427 votes (49.65%)
- BJP: 40,333 votes (28.84%)
- Congress: 27,483 votes (19.65%)
major problems
- Roads: The roads around Haiderpur Mor metro station are very bad. The internal roads of Samaypur and Badli require maintenance.
- Water evacuation: There is also a drainage problem in this area, due to which many places get flooded after the rains.
- toilet: People are also troubled by the lack of public toilets.
Voice of local residents
Firoz Khan said, “The internal and main roads are broken, which is hurting me. Thousands of people are facing this problem.”
Arjun Kumar said, “A concrete policy should be made for the street vendors, because I have not got the designated area.”
It will be interesting to see who will have the upper hand in this election battle between the candidates on these local issues in Badli assembly constituency.