The Bar Councils of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have written to the Chief Justice (CJI) and the judges of the Supreme Court Collegium to consider candidates from minorities, especially Muslims, Christians and other deprived sections of the society, in the appointment and promotion of judges in the Madras High Court. Has appealed. The Council has recommended giving priority to legal acumen, integrity and intelligence in the process so as to ensure socio-economic justice and diversity in the judiciary.
Bar Council’s appeal: Importance of diversity in judiciary
It has been said in the letter that the basis of democracy is that all sections of the society should get equal opportunities in appointments and promotions. There should be no discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, gender, region, or any other basis. The Bar Council suggested that to ensure social diversity in the judiciary, qualified and experienced lawyers should be selected who can represent all communities.
Preparation to stop nepotism
According to sources, the Supreme Court Collegium is considering a proposal to curb family influence in judicial appointments. The proposal recommends that the High Court Collegium avoid naming candidates whose parents or close relatives have been present or former judges of the Supreme Court or High Courts.
This initiative is a step towards increasing opportunities for first generation lawyers and ensuring representation of broader communities in the constitutional courts. Although this proposal may affect some eligible candidates, it is aimed at promoting inclusivity in the judiciary.
New process in judicial appointments
Recently, the Supreme Court Collegium has initiated personal communication with judicial officers and lawyers whose names have been recommended for elevation to the High Courts. This is a departure from the traditional process, which relied on resumes, written assessments and intelligence reports.
Six names were recommended for appointment as judges in Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Bombay and Allahabad high courts at the Supreme Court Collegium meeting on December 22. The initiative aims to bring greater inclusivity and transparency in the judiciary.