Sunday , December 22 2024

Eating garlic and honey every morning gives these 7 benefits, keeps diseases away

Garlic and honey are present in the kitchen of every home. Garlic is used in making various types of dishes. But do you know other benefits of eating garlic mixed with honey? There are many benefits of using a mixture of garlic and honey. It is a superfood, which has many medicinal properties.

Consuming garlic and honey doubles its benefits. It contains anti-inflammatory, which helps in reducing sore throat and swelling. Consuming garlic and honey provides relief from cold and cough. If you are also struggling with these problems then definitely use it once.

eat garlic and honey

Nutrients found in garlic honey:-

Garlic : Garlic contains many nutrients. It is rich in vitamin C, B6, manganese, protein fiber, iron, fat and antioxidants and is low in calories.

Honey :Honey is a type of sugar. Which is full of sweetness. In summer, honey is used to make sherbet. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants are found in abundance in it.

How to use garlic honey:-
1. Eat one spoon of honey and a clove of garlic in the morning. This will provide relief from many diseases.
2. Take honey in a glass vessel and add some garlic cloves to it and consume it.
3. Soak the garlic clove overnight and chew it in the morning.
4. If you do not want to eat garlic, then eat it mixed with two spoons of honey in the morning on an empty stomach.
5. Drinking garlic juice and honey mixed in hot water provides relief from fever, sinus and throat infections.
6. Make garlic chutney. Mix honey in it and eat it. It is a good source of Vitamin C and strengthens the immune system.
7. Drinking one spoon garlic juice mixed with one spoon honey improves digestion and helps in weight loss.