Dinga Dinga Virus: Once again the new virus named Dinga-Dinga has worried people all over the world. This virus has emerged in Uganda, Africa. ‘Dinga Dinga’ means ‘to walk as if dancing.’ The disease is mainly seen in women in Bundibugyo district of Uganda.
There are constant tremors in the body
According to a media report, about 300 people have fallen victim to this virus in Bundibugyo district of East African country Uganda. Most of them are women and girls. Talking about the symptoms of this disease, it includes fever and weakness. Also, uncontrolled jerks start occurring in the body. Due to which there is difficulty in walking. In serious cases, people are even becoming disabled.
Ugandan health officials are investigating the mysterious disease and its cause. Although no deaths have been reported, health officials urge prompt medical attention.
Recovery takes place within a week
Antibiotics are currently being given by health teams for treatment. He also says that it takes up to a week for the patients to get the punishment. To prevent the spread of this disease, health officials are also advising to maintain cleanliness and not come in direct contact with the infected person.
Currently 300 cases have been reported
However, according to the information, no case has been reported outside Bundibugyo. But around 300 cases have been reported. Samples of the affected individuals have now been sent to the Ugandan Ministry of Health for further testing.