Herbal Tea for Weight Loss: Due to poor lifestyle and lifestyle even young people become victims of obesity. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle start accumulating fat in their stomach. Fat accumulated on the stomach and waist spoils both the shape and health of the body. Wear any kind of clothes, this fat spoils your look. In such a situation, if fat has started accumulating on the stomach, then measures should be taken to get rid of it in time. If you want to get rid of belly fat and flatten your stomach, let’s talk about a herbal tip. Drinking this herbal tea relieves flatulence. That is, it helps in melting the excess fat deposited in the body.
Ingredients for Herbal Tea
Half teaspoon Ashwagandha powder,
four saffron threads,
Half inch piece of ginger, one
pinch cinnamon powder,
a spoonful of honey,
a glass of water
Boil water in a vessel. Mix ground ginger and cinnamon in it. Boil both the ingredients for 5 minutes and then turn off the gas and add saffron and ashwagandha powder to it. Keep the hot water covered for two to five minutes. After this, when the tea becomes lukewarm, filter it in a cup. Now add honey to it and consume it.
Benefits of drinking herbal tea
The elements added to this herbal tea are beneficial for the body. Since saffron has stress reducing and mood regulating properties, the cortisol level in the body remains under control. Ashwagandha powder also reduces cortisol levels. Cinnamon and ginger are used in this tea which improves digestion and controls blood sugar. Due to which the belly fat slowly melts. Drinking this tea melts belly fat and also improves mental condition.