Friday , March 7 2025

Do this work after waking up on the first day of the new year, there will be happiness and peace in the family.


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New Year 2025: The New Year is just a few hours away. Then everyone wants to celebrate the New Year well. Therefore, everyone should try to wake up in Brahma Muhurta on this day and do such work, so that your whole year goes well and you get good results. Let’s talk about what to do on the first day of the New Year.

According to the Panchang, on the first day of the year i.e. 1 January 2025, Wednesday, the time of Brahma Muhurta will be from 05:25 am to 06:19 am.

On the first day of the new year, try to wake up in Brahma Muhurta and after completing the bathing rituals, light a ghee lamp in the temple. Then sit in the temple and chant mantras. After doing this, take some water in your hand and say your wish and then leave the water.

Chant these mantras in Brahma Muhurta

Brahma Murari Tripurantkari Bhanu: Shashi Bhoomi Suto Budhashcha. Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketava survey planet do peace Bhavantu.

Along with this, chant Gayatri Mantra and Mahamrityunjaya Mantra in the Brahma Muhurta of the new year. By doing this, God’s blessings remain on you and your family throughout the year. Then meditate for some time and look at your palms and chant the mantra ‘Om Karagre Vasate Lakshmi, Karamadhe Saraswati, Karamule: Tu Govinda: Prabhate Kar Darshanam’.
