After Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dusanjh has entered Sunny Deol's 'Border 2'. Singer-actor Diljit Dusanjh has joined the cast list of 'Border 2'. Sunny Deol has given this good news to the fans by sharing a video on social media. Sunny Deol has welcomed Diljit Dusanjh in a special way on social media. The actor created a stir at the box office with 'Gadar 2' in the year 2023. Now soon he is coming to rock the big screen once again with 'Border 2'.
Sunny Deol welcomed Diljit Dusanjh and wrote that soldier Diljit Dusanjh is welcome in Border 2 Battalion. Diljit's voice can be heard in the background in the video. This video is getting a lot of likes on social media.
Let us tell you that earlier Sunny Deol had announced Varun Dhawan's entry in 'Border 2'. It is also told in the post that the film will be released on 23 January 2026 on the occasion of Republic Day. 'Border 2' will be directed by Anurag Singh. The film was announced on June 13, 2024 on the 27th anniversary of 'Border'.