Saturday , November 23 2024

Destroy Iran's nuclear reactors first: Trump's advice to Israel | News India

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Washington: You should not attack Iran indiscriminately. Directly attack Iran's nuclear reactors, such strict advice given to Israel by former US President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has shocked not only global politicians, intellectuals but also scientists.

The stark reality is that Iran foolishly fired missiles at Israel, then worried about what not to do instead of what an obsessed Israel would do, including for Donald Trump in Fayetteville, North Carolina, near a US military base. Also includes a town hall speech asking, What do you think about Israel? Will they (Israel) attack Iran or not? In response to this, the former President said, 'Unless they attack Iran's nuclear system (nuclear reactor), their aggression has no meaning. In fact they should, right?

At the same time, on Wednesday, President Biden was asked, 'If Israel attacked or wants to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, would you support it?' Then Biden said, 'The answer is no, clearly not.'

Biden may have made this denial because if Iran's 'nuclear reactors' were attacked, the radiation emanating from them would have a very serious impact on countless innocent people living in the surrounding area, even some Will also die.

Trump's direct response to this would be that if Iran gets a nuclear bomb, it should destroy its nuclear reactors now to kill millions of people, and be the first to destroy them instead of other military installations. Trump further said, 'If they want to do so, they (Israel) should be allowed to do so.'

After Iran recently fired 200 missiles at Israel, the situation in the Middle East is becoming extremely explosive, who will do what when? This cannot be said.