Friday , January 10 2025

Claim in the report , News India Live Match, News India Live 24Tv, News India Live Up, News India Live Channel, News India Live Tv, News India Live Hindi

Shocking claims have been made in the Disinfo Lab report. The Disinfo Lab report claims that a conspiracy was hatched to influence the Lok Sabha elections in India and change people's minds. In which a conspiracy was hatched from foreign countries to India.

The French media was funded by the Henry Louis Foundation (HLF) and the George Soros Open Society Foundation (JSOSF). Disinfo has claimed that this includes not only French but also Indian media. The lab has claimed to find a pattern in the articles of some media organizations. In which an attempt was made to divert the attention of voters by trying to shape a particular kind of narrative. The report states that India is an emerging economic and strategic power. India's foreign policies give a new shape to global dynamics. Due to this, the global media kept an eye on India's general elections. Disinfo Lab claims that French media organization Le Monde published different articles on topics like rising Islamophobia and defamation of Muslims in India in view of the general elections.

Christophe Joffrelet of France was the chief marshal

The report said that French political expert Christophe Jofrelet was at the centre of these activities. Jofrelet's statements were used to influence elections in India. However, Labbé claimed that Jofrelet was not the only player in the game. The report said that the Henry Lewis Foundation and George Soros' Open Society Foundations provided funding to influence the Indian elections. According to the claim, Jofrelet was paid a maximum of US$3.85 lakh for working on a project called 'Muslims in a Hindu Majority'.